A message from John "Pat" Neild - Chairman of Trustees (pictured at the 2016 meeting).
April 15, 2019
Dear Members and Friends,
I send you greetings from the Grace Foundation of Taylors Island. The Grace Foundation has been active since 1951, helping preserve the history of Taylors Island, one of the earliest settlements in America. Many families all over America have their ancestral roots on Taylors Island. Our goal is to research, document and make available to the public Taylors Island's history, and maintain in first class condition all of the historic properties under our control. We are now the owner of the Bethlehem Church and its cemetery, the Grace Church and its cemetery, the Chaplain Memorial Church, the Chapel of Ease, the Old Schoolhouse which is the oldest school in Dorchester County, the Becky Phipps Cannon and its site, and the Old Lane Church African American Cemetery located behind the Bethlehem Church. We will continue to maintain all of these historic properties in excellent condition and open to the public.
During the past year, our buildings were found to be in good condition, but we decided that the ceiling of the Grace Church needed painting, and that was done. Some of the older graves needed repair but that was delayed due to wet weather. A contract has been signed to repair the graves as soon as weather permits. I believe you will find that all of our properties are in good condition.
The Grace Foundation Web Site, which was created by Terry Neild several years ago, is now under the very capable management of Michael Geleta. Mike has added several new items of local history. You will find it interesting if you check it out at www.gracefound.net . We are glad to report that Terry Neild is gradually improving, but is now living in Glenn Burnie near her brother.
Our Vice President and Trustee, Edith Marie Carpenter, continues to suffer from some results of her brain surgery. We offer our prayers and best wishes for the recovery of Edith and Terry.
On a sad note, our long time member, William "Bill" Applegarth, recently passed away at the remarkable age of 99. Bill was buried at the St. Mary's Star of the Sea in Golden Hill.
Our sound financial condition has been made possible by generous bequests and donations from several of our past members, as well as annual donations from current members. Please consider designating the Grace Foundation as a beneficiary in your wills and insurance policies. That would help assure our ability to continue our mission to document and protect the history of Taylors Island, well into the future.
Enclosed you will find a current membership list and your annual dues notice. Life Members pay no dues, but additional donations are always welcome. Also enclosed are By-Laws for Grace Foundation and a slate of Officers and Trustees that we are submitting for your approval at the meeting.
The 2019 Annual Meeting of the Grace Foundation of Taylors Island is scheduled for Sunday, May 19th, starting at 11:45 AM. There will be a religious service, then a short business meeting, followed by our traditional catered luncheon at the Taylors Island Firehouse. Please plan to attend.
Sincerely yours,
John S. Neild, Jr.
Chairman of the Trustees
Dear Members and Friends,
I send you greetings from the Grace Foundation of Taylors Island. The Grace Foundation has been active since 1951, helping preserve the history of Taylors Island, one of the earliest settlements in America. Many families all over America have their ancestral roots on Taylors Island. Our goal is to research, document and make available to the public Taylors Island's history, and maintain in first class condition all of the historic properties under our control. We are now the owner of the Bethlehem Church and its cemetery, the Grace Church and its cemetery, the Chaplain Memorial Church, the Chapel of Ease, the Old Schoolhouse which is the oldest school in Dorchester County, the Becky Phipps Cannon and its site, and the Old Lane Church African American Cemetery located behind the Bethlehem Church. We will continue to maintain all of these historic properties in excellent condition and open to the public.
During the past year, our buildings were found to be in good condition, but we decided that the ceiling of the Grace Church needed painting, and that was done. Some of the older graves needed repair but that was delayed due to wet weather. A contract has been signed to repair the graves as soon as weather permits. I believe you will find that all of our properties are in good condition.
The Grace Foundation Web Site, which was created by Terry Neild several years ago, is now under the very capable management of Michael Geleta. Mike has added several new items of local history. You will find it interesting if you check it out at www.gracefound.net . We are glad to report that Terry Neild is gradually improving, but is now living in Glenn Burnie near her brother.
Our Vice President and Trustee, Edith Marie Carpenter, continues to suffer from some results of her brain surgery. We offer our prayers and best wishes for the recovery of Edith and Terry.
On a sad note, our long time member, William "Bill" Applegarth, recently passed away at the remarkable age of 99. Bill was buried at the St. Mary's Star of the Sea in Golden Hill.
Our sound financial condition has been made possible by generous bequests and donations from several of our past members, as well as annual donations from current members. Please consider designating the Grace Foundation as a beneficiary in your wills and insurance policies. That would help assure our ability to continue our mission to document and protect the history of Taylors Island, well into the future.
Enclosed you will find a current membership list and your annual dues notice. Life Members pay no dues, but additional donations are always welcome. Also enclosed are By-Laws for Grace Foundation and a slate of Officers and Trustees that we are submitting for your approval at the meeting.
The 2019 Annual Meeting of the Grace Foundation of Taylors Island is scheduled for Sunday, May 19th, starting at 11:45 AM. There will be a religious service, then a short business meeting, followed by our traditional catered luncheon at the Taylors Island Firehouse. Please plan to attend.
Sincerely yours,
John S. Neild, Jr.
Chairman of the Trustees